Sunday, June 1, 2008

Down to earth climate friendly household tips

Did you know that you can make your own garden remedies from natural products?

For Mould on fences and paths - do this
Mix 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water and either spray or paint on.

For Slugs - Slug it to them!!! give them a cup of diluted coffee 1 part to 9 parts water..

Natural weed killer..
For a really difficult plant that you need to kill..
pour on a mix of 1/2 cup of salt and 2 cups of vinegar.
This will kill everything so don't let any of it get onto anything precious. It also stays in the ground for a long time -the salt content is is the main active ingredient.
If you have an accidental spill you should dig out that section of soil.

To avoid your compost worms escaping.. line the lower bins with an old mesh curtain.
They will try to escape if you forget to feed them... Wouldn't you?

A cheap way to make a worm farm is simply to cut a one metre square of garden cloth mesh,
sew up one side and the top. Place some straw, paper, and worms in the bag along with food scraps. (Not Meat) Fold the open end up and place it under the bag. Sit the bag in a shady spot in the garden and refuel regularly. Move it about and the castings will fertilise your garden.
Don't forget to wear gloves.

If you need a fungicide for your plants try this.. mix 1 teaspoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon kitchen detergent into 2 litres of water.. spray on.