Friday, March 4, 2011

Permaculturevisions responds to student needs. were the first to teach permaculture online 18 years ago. Since then they have a long list of graduates, run an online yahoo group and are respected in the Permaculture community.

There has always been debate whether a practitioner needs to do a Permaculture Design course and or needs formal qualifications.

However if a practioner in Permaculture intends to treat permaculture as a life long activity, and teach others, then surely they need to be able to show due diligence and prove to prospective clients that they do indeed have the training to do so. The standard training is a PDC - Permaculture Design course.
Once a Permaculture designer has 2 years of implementation and experience they can then apply for a Diploma in Permaculture.

This is now being offered to students and graduates of Permaculturevisions.
It has 1 core requirement- Design implementation - and 10 electives.
Compliance is assessed by evidence of external and or self study, and students can then elect to be on the Permaculturevisions on-line register of graduates and Diplomats.
This Diploma takes Permaculture to a next level and will be highly sought after as a reference for future employers. You can read more on